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A retrospective review of high or mid thoracic vertebral compression fractures (VCF) examined outcomes after either high viscosity cement (HVC) vertebroplasty (VP) or low viscosity cement (LVC) balloon kyphoplasty (BKP) repairs. 114 patients in a single tertiary medical center were included. Outcome...

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What are the major causes of sciatica? What treatments—such as NSAIDs, acetaminophen, systemic corticosteroids, epidurals, exercise therapy, surgery—work best for sciatica? What about prevention? Researchers, publishing their findings in Cureus, reviewed articles to uncover the most effective aids...

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A study presented at the ANESTHESIOLOGY 2022 annual meeting analyzed postsurgery pain in people who used cannabis. According to the analysis of over 34,000 patients who had elective surgery, the 1650 who used cannabis within 30 days presurgery:

  • Had 14% more pain during the 24 hours postsurgery
  • ...

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In Australia, “Hospitalisations and deaths related to opioid overuse, misuse, or overdose increased by 240% and 180%, respectively, with a corresponding 32-fold increase in yearly public health costs to $271 million AUD within the past 2 decades.” After implementing a single anesthesiologist-led...

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The American Journal of Managed Care has published an article highlighting the need for policy changes in prescribing opioids postsurgery. The level of opioid dispensing in morphine milligram equivalents in 2019 was nearly 3 times greater than in 1999. In an effort to encourage use of pain...

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A small study, published in JAMA, interviewed 28 patients about their gender identity detransition healthcare experiences. Although most did not regret the decision, study participants did avoid seeing doctors, felt stigmatized, and encountered less than knowledgeable clinicians. Why did people...

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For patients with patellar tendinopathy, surgery, as a resort after other treatments fail, only brings good results about half the time. Better results have been obtained through ultrasound-guided arthroscopic shaving, which targets regions with nerves outside the tendon. When no intra-tendinous...

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At the recent International Neuromodulation Society (INS) congress in Barcelona, researchers promoted a new way to administer stimulation to the spinal cord. The usual method involves SCS “to stimulate the back of the spinal cord and activate a circuit that then interacts with the transmitting pain...

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The British Journal of Anaesthesia reports a study, the largest of its kind, of 10 hospitals in the US, Australia, Germany, Israel, and other countries. Researchers determined that at least 5% of people under general anesthesia responded to commands and questions about their level of pain—called...

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Although traditional appendectomies are common—with approximately 300,000 performed a year—the incisions can cause pain, infection, missed work days, and even hernias. At the Melissa L. Posner Institute for Digestive Health & Liver Disease at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, a first of its kind...

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