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The Life-Altering Impact of Chronic Pain 

Chronic pain significantly impacts your patients’ physical, psychological, emotional, and social well-being, including overall daily functioning. It's crucial for clinicians to understand and address the mental and emotional health needs of patients with...

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Ask any kid: a soft cuddly stuffed toy can help with sleep and anxiety. Can a soft robot, worn and clenched by a person in pain or fearing an injection, also provide comfort? What if it clenches back? Researchers developed a soft, wearable robot with airbags and tested/compared scenarios:

  • The...

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Pain often brings about anxiety and depression, which in turn can worsen the pain. The Journal of Neuroscience has published a paper entitled GABAergic CaMKIIα+ Amygdala Output Attenuates Pain and Modulates Emotional-motivational Behaviour via Parabrachial Inhibition. In their Significance Statement...

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Unsedated procedures involving patients who have acute or chronic illness can be painful and cause nervousness, anxiety, distress, and catastrophizing. Virtual reality (VR) has been shown to positively distract, and therefore lessen the stress involved. The Journal of Medical Internet Research repor...

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A new study describes patterns of peak chronic migraine severity, day to day and days with perceived stress. The results of an observational prospective longitudinal cohort study, published in the journal of Headache, show that some of those who perceived higher levels of stress had higher peak...

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A new article in the SSM Population Health journal connects the dots between unsecured debt and ill health at midlife. Financial stressors, such as debt unconnected to an asset, can lead to health inequities. Researchers looked at the combination of high cost credit, debt, plus stagnating incomes...

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An article published in the American Journal of Physiology Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology discussed a study of visceral pain, the goal of which was to “test the hypothesis that the microglia in the central nucleus of amygdala contribute to chronic stress-induced visceral hypersensitivity via...

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Stress can be bad. But just how bad? And when, and for how long? The journal of Stress & Health published an article investigated long-term marriages over 27 years from 1991 to 2017. Researchers focused on couples living in rural areas and concentrated on stress as a factor in pain. According to the...

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A research article published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior details how smartphones are being used to survey real-time data for health. Researchers sought to determine “whether disadvantage and disorder in the immediate context—within or outside of the residential neighborhood—is...

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Two studies are discussed in Journal of Clinical Medicine noting how SARS-CoV-2 is creating a "new situation" complete with "severe health threats, economic uncertainty, and social isolation, causing potential deleterious effects on people’s physical and mental health. These effects are capable of...

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