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A study in the PAIN journal examined whether comorbidities aided in determining if back pain led to further disability. Over 450 patients ≥55 years of age were included in the prospective cohort study that looked at the 1 year clinical course of back pain related disability. Questionnaires were used...

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A veteran’s self-reported level of trauma/pain is important but doesn’t always give clinicians an objective measurement. A new study published in Frontiers in Pain Research identified connection strength via functional magnetic resonance imaging of army veterans’ brain regions. By scanning 57...

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Severe mental illness (SMI) is associated with an earlier death by 15 to 20 years, poor physical health, diabetes, HIV, and a higher burden of pain. A study published in PAIN sought to uncover innovations for the optimization of pain management in this group—defined as schizophrenia spectrum...

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The COVID pandemic hampered in-person healthcare visits for many patients. A study in Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation assessed healthcare disruption and telehealth use among 70 persons with multiple sclerosis (pwMS) and 93 healthy controls during the COVID-19 pandemic. Among young...

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Does poverty impact patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA)? Does it affect their functional status (FS)? In what may be the largest national evaluation of FS outcomes in individuals with RA, researchers published their findings in JAMA Open Network, after a review of almost 84,000 patients, culled...

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“Musculoskeletal disorder in adults with cerebral palsy is higher than in the general population,” leading researchers to examine the level of use of physical therapy and occupational therapy services in this group. The study, published in the Disability and Health Journal, compared comorbidities...

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Individuals who suffer from chronic pain often present with significant medical and psychiatric comorbidities that can exacerbate the pain experience and contribute to a further erosion of quality of life and disability. In this current climate of reducing the reliance on opioids or opioid sparing...

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