| acute pain management

Get Off the Couch

The Negatives of a Sedentary Lifestyle

"Doing something as simple as reducing daily TV-watching time can have a profound effect on bodily pain trajectories that occur with aging,” states the principal researcher of an article in the BMC Public Health journal. Over 4,000 people in the Australian Diabetes, Obesity, and Lifestyle Study were assessed for bodily pain over a period of 5 to 12 years. Across the time points, increased TV viewing time correlated with worsened pain. In participants with diabetes, that association was even more pronounced.

The study concluded, “Controlled intervention trials in disease-specific clinical populations to examine the effect of reducing prolonged sedentary behaviour on bodily pain in the long term will provide stronger support for clinical and public health initiatives to reduce sedentary time, as well as some evidence on non-pharmacologic benefits of sedentary behaviour reduction and a potential adjuvant pain modulation therapy for chronic pain management guidelines.”


Read the journal article.

Holly Caster
