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Postoperative pain in adults. Which is better for pain relief after outpatient surgery, NSAIDs or codeine? An article published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, or CMAJ, detailed the results of a systematic review and meta-analysis, with patient pain scores as the primary outcome and...

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Reported side effects of the COVID vaccine are, overall, minor: headache, muscle aches, fatigue, injection site swelling/pain, chills, muscle pain. In an effort to prevent those effects, vaccine recipients may choose to take an over-the-counter painkiller, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, before...

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An article in January’s Journal of Pain discussed ibuprofen, a highly used analgesic. Due to its slow absorption, however, just how well does it work on acute moderate to severe pain? Researchers presented findings on the relatively new L-arginine salt-containing ibuprofen to determine its efficacy...

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