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The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is recognized as an important modulator of many physiological processes. Recently, an increasing body of evidence has been accumulated to suggest the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and antinociceptive roles of the ECS. In 1997, the Office of...

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Medical and recreational marijuana are sources of great confusion to patients and clinicians alike. A culture of “neuromysticism” around medical marijuana has arisen, leaving patients and clinicians muddled regarding what constitutes “medical” marijuana. This is due in part to the poor quality of...

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As has been frequently noted by different contributors to the PAINWeek platform, there is a range of opinion on the safety and efficacy of medical cannabis, brought on in no small part by the dearth of clinical study resulting from current federal regulatory status. New research from the University...

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The use of cannabis is big business in the United States and internationally, so we’re dealing a lot with  cannabis in terms of both medicinal and recreational applications. What does that mean?  I really think that clinicians now need to be encouraged to educate themselves about what is known and...

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An article and accompanying editorial published this month in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology reinforces other warnings concerning the adverse cardiovascular effects of medical cannabis, especially in older patients. The authors relate the case of a 70-year-old male patient with chronic pain and...

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Researchers from the University of Michigan recently completed an examination of the available data from state medical marijuana registries to assess why patients are using cannabis for medical reasons, and whether there is evidence based support for these uses. The study classified patient reported...

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