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Medication and/or psychotherapy does not work for approximately 30% of patients with major depression. How can practitioners help those who are unresponsive? Brain stimulation may help, but for every person with a mental disorder, there may be a different manifestation and potential response to...

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An article published in the Annals of Family Medicine journal states that painkillers may not address all aspects of pain, and may add to dysfunction. In their abstract, pain experts Mark Sullivan and Jane Ballantyne, from the University of Washington School of Medicine, state, "The US opioid...

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From the AAPM 36th Annual Meeting Scientific Poster Abstracts: 205. Coauthored by Senior PAINWeek Faculty Dr. Kevin Zacharoff.

Many physicians report inadequate training in the areas of pain assessment, treatment, and aberrant drug-related behaviors. This presentation will describe the...

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Naloxone saves lives. But it’s not a treatment for abuse. Some people feel drug users will carry naloxone and think they have a free pass to take drugs. Others disagree. In this interview, Dr. Mel Pohl, a clinical assistant professor at the University of Nevada School of Medicine, and chief medical...

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Newswise — An estimated one in five Americans suffer from chronic pain, and more than 40 people die every day from prescription opioid overdoses. But due to COVID-19 shutdowns, many people trying to manage their pain and addiction have lost their support programs.

Professor Lewis S. Nelson...

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Newswise — Opioid overdoses take the lives of tens of thousands of Americans annually. Two researchers from Penn State College of Medicine have received nearly $5 million from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study whether an already-approved drug can be used to reduce cravings and prevent...

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We wanted to get real-world prescribing and real-world consumption data from beyond the ivory tower, from beyond just an academic medical center. To really understand what was happening in our communities as it related to surgical care, pain care, and opioids, and to create patient centered...

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Newswise — People suffering from opioid addiction and chronic pain may have fewer cravings and less pain if they use both mindfulness techniques and medication for opioid dependence, according to Rutgers and other researchers.

The study, published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence...

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Newswise — For several years, the national spotlight has shone on the need to prevent and rapidly treat opioid overdoses. But a new study suggests a need for more focus on the risk of alcohol overdoses among people who use opioids of all kinds, cocaine, marijuana and certain prescription drugs, too...

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Prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMP) add value to both law enforcement and dispensers. California maintains the Controlled Substances Utilization and Review Evaluation System (CURES) as one method to mitigate harms caused by opioids. Use of this system by physicians has been shown to...

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