Oct 12, 2018 | medication

PharmasKnowGenetics vs Pharmacogenetics Unveiled

Pharmacogenetics is an emerging field and is defined as the variability in drug response due to genetics. Genetic differences can be divided into pharmacokinetic (what the body does to the drug) and pharmacodynamic (what the drug does to the body) biomarkers. Pharmacokinetic biomarkers include cytochrome P450 enzymes, drug transporters, and more. Examples of pharmacodynamic biomarkers important to pain therapeutics include opioid mu receptor 1 (OPRM 1), catechol-o-methyltransferase (COMT), and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR). Ultimately, polymorphic variations in these biomarkers may lead to alterations in effectiveness, safety, and tolerability of medications. In this comprehensive interactive forum, led by Dr. Jeffrey Fudin, the next generation of clinical pharmacy specialists in pain management will focus on patient case based pharmacogenetic profiles used to discuss relevant biomarkers with genetic variations and the role these play to enlist actionable outcomes for optimizing medication regimens. These genetic variations may impact a person's response to a medication including safety and effectiveness, potentially supporting supratherapeutic or presumed subtherapeutic opioid dosing. (PAINWeek 2017)
