
PAINWeek remains the US pain conference with the most expansive curriculum and is the favorite destination for frontline practitioners to enhance their competence in pain management.


120 credit hours are available for physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, hospitalists, physical therapists, psychologists, and social workers.

Hotel Room Rate Notice

The hotel room block has closed. There may still be discounted rooms available certain nights during the conference. Once you complete your registration, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to book your room. The booking process will provide the current room rates available.

*Terms and conditions apply


World Class Continuing Education

120 hours of the most up-to-date evidence-based scientific instruction available

  • Cutting-edge educational sessions
  • Faculty who are leaders in their field
  • Face-to-face interactions with expert speakers during the conference
  • Networking with colleagues in pain management

The conference of choice for busy pain professionals

  • Multiple session offerings allowing you to choose the best fit for your educational needs
  • Universal access to scientific assemblies, symposia, and special presentations on a first-come, first-served basis
  • More than 100 exhibiting companies invite you to visit and browse new products, see demonstrations, and ask questions

Additional activities

  • PAINWeek 101
  • Keynote Presentation
  • Exhibit Hall Welcome Reception
  • Scientific Poster Session
  • Exhibit Hall Closing Reception

Las Vegas

While at PAINWeek, plan on spending a night exploring the City of Entertainment for world class dining options and memorable shows. The 2021 conference will be located right on the Las Vegas Strip with easy access to all Vegas has to offer.

Register Now

Practicing Healthcare Professionals

Register before:

9/1/21 - $699

Full Price: $799

Register Now!

Practicing Healthcare Professionals

Register here if you are a practicing healthcare professional, resident, or student. This information will be verified by PAINWeek staff prior to confirmation of your registration.


Industry Registration

Full Price: $799

Register Now!


Register here if you are affiliated with a pharmaceutical company; device manufacturer; medical, healthcare education, or communications company; screening lab; or other PAINWeek sponsor or exhibitor.

DO NOT register as  a practicing healthcare professional, resident, or student. This information will be verified by PAINWeek staff prior to confirmation of your registration.

Exhibit Hall

Prospective Exhibitors click here to download the exhibit application.

Click here for more information for exhibitors and industry.

Exhibit Hall Schedule

Wednesday 9.8

6:45p - 9:00p | Welcome Reception

Thursday 9.9

10:00a - 12:30p
2:30p – 5:00p

Friday 9.10

10:00a - 12:30p
2:30p - 4:30p | Closing Reception

100+ CE/CME Credit Hours Presented

The annual conference presents over 100 hours of continuing medical education, composed of multidisciplinary course concentrations, master classes, special interest sessions, and satellite events geared toward physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, hospitalists, physical therapists, psychologists, and other healthcare professionals involved in pain management.

Conference Agenda

The PAINWeek 2021 Conference Agenda is now available!

Click here to view the agenda!*

*Topics and faculty subject to change


Call for Presentations

The PAINWeek 2021 Call for Presentations is Now Closed

Start preparing your Call for Presentations for the PAINWeek 2022; the submission page will open October 2021.

2021 Faculty

The 2021 faculty list is now available here! 

Want to see past presenters? Review our 2020 and 2019 faculty roster.

PAINWeek 2021 Faculty

Satellite Events

For industry professionals interested in sponsoring a satellite event, please click here.

2021 Satellite Events will be posted in August.

About Satellite Events and Symposia

Satellite events complement the PAINWeek curriculum.

These events include both certified and noncertified programs. Course descriptions for certified activities, faculty disclosures, and protocol for obtaining CE/CME credit will be provided by individual event organizers. Please contact the organizers for further details.

Seating is strictly limited for all events. Preference may be given to preregistrants. If you are registered, please still plan on arriving at the door no later than 10 minutes prior to start time to ensure that your seat is held for you. A limited number of meals or refreshments will be served where indicated.

Nonmedical professionals or members of industry may only be allowed to participate at the discretion of the program organizers. Typically organizers do not accommodate family members, office staff, or guests of healthcare professionals.

There are no fees to attend any of these educational activities.

Information provided and opinions expressed have not involved any verification of the findings, conclusions, and opinions by PAINWeek. Opinions expressed by speakers do not necessarily reflect those of PAINWeek. No responsibility is assumed by PAINWeek for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instruction, or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of the rapid advances in the medical sciences, PAINWeek recommends that independent verification of diagnoses and medication dosages should be made by each healthcare professional.

Event Schedule

Tuesday 9/7

Breakfast PDM

Optimizing Medical Management of Neuropathic Pain: Case Studies Addressing Modern Care Challenges with Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy of the Feet

Lunch PDM

Opioid Induced Constipation - A Prescription Approach for a Different Type of Constipation

Break PDM

A Discussion of Non-Oral Delivery for the Acute Treatment of Migraine

Wednesday 9/8

Breakfast PDM

An Oral CGRP Antagonist for the Acute Treatment of Migraine

Break PDM

The Sana Device: An Effective Non-Drug Option Submitting to FDA for Clearance in the Management of Pain, Sleep, and Anxiety

Lunch PDM

Addressing Unmet Needs of Chronic Pain Patients Taking Opioid Therapy

Break PDM

The Role of a Once-Daily Intravenous Non-Opioid Option

Opioid Induced Constipation - A Prescription Approach for a Different Type of Constipation

Thursday 9/9

Breakfast PDM

Beyond OTC Laxatives: Taking a Targeted Approach to Managing Opioid Induced Constipation

Break PDM

Star Trek Laser Pain Relief: An Effective Alternative to Opioids

Lunch PDM

Foundation Pain Index - Introduction to a Validated, Multi-Biomarker Test Panel for the Evaluation of Chronic Pain

Break PDM

Beyond ADFs. OVERDOSE Protection. The Next Generation of Opioids?

Friday 9/10

Breakfast PDM

Engaging At-Risk Patients in Conversation

CME Symposia

Moving Beyond Conventional to Atypical Opioid Analgesics: Rebalance Benefit-Risk with Buprenorphine

Break PDM

MILD: Remove the Problem, Leave Nothing Behind

Break PDM

Leveraging Outcomes Data to Inform Product Innovation and Patient Support

Poster Abstracts

Scientific Posters to be presented at the 2021 National Conference and past meetings.

Submit Your Abstract!

Call for 2021 Abstracts

Call for Abstracts 2021

The Scientific Session Committee invites you to submit abstracts for posters to be presented at the 2021 PAINWeek National Conference. Please review the guidelines below.

Scientific Session Chair, Joseph V. Pergolizzi, MD, and Co-chair, Srinivas Nalamachu, MD, invite you to submit abstracts for posters to be presented at the 2021 PAINWeek National Conference. To enrich the attendee experience, we offer an expansive scientific poster session showcasing the latest information from current research and clinical trials. Abstracts may be a summary of research findings or a review of current evidence-based recommendations for clinical application that are pertinent to frontline practitioners who treat patients in pain.


The deadline for electronic submission is 11:59pm ET, Friday, July 16, 2021. All authors will be notified via email on or by August 12, 2021.

Abstract Guidelines

  1. At least one presenting author(s) or presenter(s) of accepted abstracts must register at the current registration rate to attend the PAINWeek National Conference. Submission of an abstract does not automatically register you for the conference. Click here to register.
  2. Abstracts may be of original research or encore (repeat) presentations of abstracts, ie, PAINWeek will accept abstracts that have already been presented at other medical conferences.
  3. Abstracts should be 1300 words or less, with maximums as defined below. (Titles, author names, and affiliations are not included in that word count)
    • Purpose: 350 words
    • Methods: 350 words
    • Results: 400 words
    • Conclusions: 200 words
  4. List affiliations for all authors, such as universities and other institutions.
  5. List names of all authors, in the order in which you wish them to appear in printed text. One listed author must attend PAINWeek to present.
  6. List disclosures (financial and/or in-kind support). If none, state “Nothing to disclose by any author(s)”.
  7. Please indicate whether you are interested in being considered to present orally.
  8. Do not use tables, charts, or graphs in your abstract submission (they can be included in the actual poster).
  9. There is no limit to the number of abstracts one author may submit for consideration.
  10. The first author is responsible for communicating all these policies to all involved parties.
  11. Student authors are permitted to submit.


PAINWeek requires faculty and poster authors/presenters who have an interest in selling a technology, program, product, and/or service to healthcare professionals to disclose this information in order to be considered for and/or present at any PAINWeek educational session.


If your abstract is accepted, you will be notified on or by August 12, and the abstract will be posted online by August 30. Only accepted abstracts will be posted online. Posters will not be published online.

Poster and Presentation Guidelines

  1. After acceptance, format your abstract into a poster which may include graphs, tables, and charts.
  2. Maximum poster size is 42" high x 90" wide.
  3. Authors/presenters should bring their posters with them to the conference. Please do not send posters to the PAINWeek offices or in care of PAINWeek.
  4. Detailed instructions will accompany acceptance notices.
  5. While first authors typically attend the conference in person, PAINWeek allows other listed authors to attend in his/her place.
  6. Recording by any means (photographing, audiotaping, videotaping) of any presentation/session is prohibited, except by a PAINWeek authorized agent or by first author(s) who wish to photograph their own poster presentation. Violators risk confiscation of their equipment and/or dismissal from PAINWeek.
  7. QR codes with a maximum size of 1" by 1" are permitted in the lower corner of posters. Scanning of a QR code only by participants using smart phones or other mobile devices is permissible.
  8. Interactive content/features on printed posters that can be viewed using smartphones or iPads is allowed (for example, additional graphs, animations, videos related to the printed poster content).
  9. Presenters may use an iPad or tablet to facilitate their presentation, but it cannot be using in lieu of a printed poster. Tablets may also be available for viewers to see the interactive content during the poster presentation time.
  10. Supplementary information on how to download relevant QR codes and access interactive content may be included on the poster, ie, within the text of the poster or printed on the bottom.

Poster Set-up

Authors should arrive on site to have their posters up by 3:00p on Wednesday, September 8 (day 2 of the conference). PAINWeek will provide a poster board, pushpins, and poster number. If you would like to provide reprints of your posters (ie, handouts) you may leave them under your assigned poster board. Posters will be available for public viewing after 3:30p. The poster session room will be closed at 5:30p for the Keynote and Welcome Reception and will reopen on Thursday at 8a.

Scientific Session and Reception

Due to the enormity of requests for posters to have longer onsite accessibility, we ask that all posters be set-up by 3:00p on Wednesday, September 8. All authors and/or presenters should be available at their posters for the Scientific Session reception, which will be held on Thursday, September 9, 6:30p-8:30p. PAINWeek name badges will be required for entry. Refreshments will be available.

Oral Presentations

The review committee will choose 6 abstracts (posters) for oral presentations at the PAINWeek National Conference. Presenters will be notified by August 20, 2021. Date, time, and location of oral presentations will be announced. While first authors typically present in person, PAINWeek allows other listed authors to present in his/her place.

Late-breaking Abstracts

The PAINWeek late-breaking abstracts policy allows for the submission of late-breaking abstracts only for randomized phase III trials for which no preliminary data are available at the time of the abstract submission deadline July 16, but for which a preplanned analysis of the primary endpoint is scheduled after that date but before August 12 (deadline for the final, updated late-breaking abstract). During abstract submission, you will be required to provide the date of planned analysis. The policy is not a mechanism to allow for updated data to be submitted later when preliminary data are available by the abstract submission deadline.


The abstract submission systemis now open The abstract submission system will close at 11:59p EST, July 16, 2021.

Questions? Email [email protected]

Important Dates

July 16

Abstract Submission Deadline: 11:59p

August 12

Authors/Presenters will be notified of acceptance of abstracts
Deadline for final, updated late-breaking abstracts

August 30

Accepted abstracts will be posted online

September 8

Posters must be set-up: 3:00p

Posters open for public viewing: 3:30p

Posters room closed for Keynote and Welcome Reception: 5:30p

September 9

Poster room open for viewing: 8:00a

Scientific Poster Reception: 6:30p

September 10

Poster room open for viewing: 8:00a

All posters must be removed or will be discarded: 6:00p


Accepted Abstract Archive

View photos from the PAINWeek Poster Session

App and Mobile Website

Everything you need to know about PAINWeek is on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop.

The 2021 App will be available in August.

3 easy ways to access PAINWeek mobile: 

Download from the App Store (coming soon)

Download from Google Play (coming soon)

Visit m.painweek.org (no download required)
Note: If you have previously downloaded the app, please delete it and download the new one.

Everything you need to know about PAINWeek is on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop:

  • Get maps of the conference venue
  • Stay up-to-date on PAINWeek announcements
  • Access the conference schedule
  • Link to session slides
  • View course credit procedures
  • View and plan a visit to the Exhibit Hall
  • Complete session evaluations

CE/CME and Accreditation

Certified credit for physicians, nurses, pharmacists and more!

Accreditation Information

Click here to view the accreditation information.

Hotel Info

Secure a special room rate at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.



Special room rate available for attendees

Excitement is building for PAINWeek returning to Las Vegas in September! As such, we encourage you to complete your room reservation as early as possible, as the room block is filling up quickly. Please note the following information and proceed as directed.

PAINWeek has secured an incredible discounted rate of $179/night + tax and mandatory resort fee of $10/day + tax at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

  Room Rates Resort Fee
The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas $179/night + tax $10.00/day + tax
Comparable Las Vegas Hotels $250-$350/night + tax $35.00-$45.00/day + tax


  • Unlimited local, toll-free, and domestic long-distance phone calls
  • Complimentary valet parking
  • Fitness center access


Hotel Terms and Conditions

Nightly resort fee includes complimentary self and valet parking, unlimited local, toll-free, and domestic long distance telephone calls (all 50 states), 24-hour fitness center access and tennis court access (based on availability). Check-in as early as September 6, 2021, or stay up to September 11, 2021, for the same discounted per-night room rate based upon availability. Please note limited rooms are available each night at this rate so book as soon as possible. Additional nights outside of September 6-11 will be at prevailing hotel rates. To receive this discounted rate, you must book your room no later than August 13, 2021. When booking online, please note all room type requests in the comments section. The hotel will accommodate your request based upon availability. Cancellations and changes should be made directly with The Cosmopolitan. PAINWeek staff members are not able to make or change hotel reservations. You will be able to book up to 4 rooms at a time. A credit card is required at the time of booking and a deposit equal to one night’s room + tax will be charged. A valid credit card authorized to cover additional rooms + tax, + $50 a night for incidentals, must be presented upon check-in.

  • Step #1 Register for the conference!
  • Step #2 Reserve your hotel room!


Instructions, link, and discount code will be emailed to you after registration.

Beware of Unauthorized Housing and Travel Agencies!

PAINWeek has contracted directly with The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas to provide attendees with the lowest possible housing rates. Please be vigilant if approached by any other company or service that implies or claims to be an official housing provider of PAINWeek. We have been made aware of other housing companies and travel agencies that may be aggressively pursuing you, or your company, to book your guest rooms through their company at supposedly significant discounts. Reservations made through an agency other than The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas will be at your own risk. All official emails will originate from [email protected].

Cosmopolitan Parking Information

Click here for parking information at the Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

Attendee Support

This section is designed to provide assistance in explaining the value of PAINWeek to your employer, to secure consent for your participation.

The PAINWeek Advantage

When thinking about continuing education for pain management, do the math:

  • 116 million people in pain
  • 4,000 pain specialists
  • 29,000 patients per pain specialist
  • There are simply not enough pain specialists to go around

At PAINWeek, you can custom design a learning experience of up to 36.0 CE/CME credit hours from the most comprehensive pain education curriculum offered anywhere: in 2019, we presented over 120 hours of continuing education and informational programs. PAINWeek now enjoys the collaborative support of 22 professional and patient advocacy groups, including the American Pain Society, the American Academy of Pain Medicine, and the Veterans Health Administration. This curriculum is further augmented by a full complement of satellite symposia, product theatres, interactive activities, and the PAINWeek exhibit hall.

The PAINWeek Scholarship

Convening September 7-11, PAINWeek remains the most expansive US pain conference and the favorite destination for frontline practitioners to enhance their competence in pain management. You can be one of 10 frontline practitioners to receive a complimentary registration for this year’s conference. We ask that you compose a compelling essay explaining why PAINWeek would be beneficial for your professional area of focus.

Submission Deadline

All essays must be received by 11:59p ET on June 18, 2021.

Scholarship winners will be notified via email and/or phone no later than July 15, 2021. Winners must respond by July 30, 2021.

Rules and Regulations

Scholarship applicants must be:

  • At least 18 years of age
  • Actively involved in healthcare or healthcare education
  • Willing to be interviewed by PAINWeek

Scholarship applicants may NOT be:

  • Industry-employed
  • A past scholarship winner

Essay requirements

  • No more than 750 words, and must be copy and pasted into the text box on the submission form on our website
  • Must include the applicant’s full name, email address, job title, contact phone number, mailing address, degree, clinical affiliation, academic affiliation, practice specialty, essay title, essay submission, and photo
  • A description of the practice setting, patient population, and applicant role in the organization
  • A description of how PAINWeek can enhance pain management skills and knowledge, and how this knowledge can be used in a clinical setting
  • A description of the barriers to pain management education/training that exist for the applicant
  • Essays must address why a scholarship to PAINWeek would be a benefit
  • Any other relevant points concerning the applicant’s educational and professional goals

Scholarship submissions are now closed. Winners will be notified soon.

Event Policies


Welcome to PAINWeek! To ensure a safe, professional, and educational experience for all, please respect the following rules:

Tickets, badges, and bracelets are nontransferable, nonexchangeable, nonrefundable, and revocable and void if altered. The badge must be used by the same person on all days during its period of validity. Replacement badges are $100 and can be obtained at the onsite conference registration desk; photo ID will be required.

PAINWeek is committed to fostering a professional, safe, healthy, and welcoming environment for all participants at its event, regardless of age, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability or other personal characteristics, ethnicity, national origin, or other class protected by law.

Waiver of Liability Relating to Coronavirus/COVID-19

The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19, including a number of its variant strains, is reported to be extremely contagious. The state of medical knowledge is evolving, but the virus is believed to spread when an infected person breathes out droplets and very small particles that contain the virus. People reportedly can be infected and show no symptoms and therefore unknowingly spread the virus. There is no known cure for COVID-19. Evidence has shown that COVID-19 can cause serious and potentially life-threatening illness and even death.

PAINWeek 2021 National Conference operated by Tarsus Cardio, Inc. dba PAINWeek (and their affiliated entities which includes Tarsus) has put in place best practices to mitigate the risk of attendees contracting COVID-19, including a requirement that all attendees wear masks, the provision of hand sanitizer, and reminders that attendees should maintain distance from each other. By signing below, you agree to abide by these best practices by wearing a mask at all times when on the premises, washing your hands frequently, and maintaining social distance from other attendees when practicable.

Even with these safety measures in place, however, PAINWeek cannot prevent you from becoming exposed to, contracting, or spreading COVID-19 while attending its conferences and/or entering onto premises where the event is held, as it is not possible to prevent against the presence of the virus. Therefore, if you choose to attend the PAINWeek 2021 National Conference and enter onto premises where the conference is held, you may be exposing yourself to and/or increasing your risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19.

ASSUMPTION OF RISK: I have read and understood the above warning concerning COVID-19. I hereby choose to accept the risk of contracting COVID-19 in order to attend the PAINWeek 2021 National Conference and enter the conference premises. I acknowledge that attendance at the conference is entirely voluntary, and that I have freely chosen to attend.

WAIVER OF LAWSUIT/LIABILITY: I hereby forever release and waive my right to bring a suit against Tarsus Cardio, Inc. and Tarsus and its owners, officers, directors, managers, officials, trustees, agents, employees, or other representatives for fault in connection with exposure, infection, and/or spread of COVID-19 related to attending its event. I understand that this waiver means I give up my right to bring any claim based in negligence, including for personal injuries, death, disease or property losses, or any other loss, whether known or unknown, foreseen, or unforeseen. 

CHOICE OF LAW: I understand and agree that the law of the State of Nevada will apply to this contract.

PAINWeek is committed to fostering a professional, safe, healthy, and welcoming environment for all participants at its event, regardless of age, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability or other personal characteristics, ethnicity, national origin, or other class protected by law.

Waiver of Liability Relating to Coronavirus/COVID-19


The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19, including a number of its variant strains, is reported to be extremely contagious. The state of medical knowledge is evolving, but the virus is believed to spread when an infected person breathes out droplets and very small particles that contain the virus. People reportedly can be infected and show no symptoms and therefore unknowingly spread the virus. There is no known cure for COVID-19. Evidence has shown that COVID-19 can cause serious and potentially life-threatening illness and even death.

PAINWeek 2021 National Conference operated by Tarsus Cardio, Inc. dba PAINWeek (and their affiliated entities which includes Tarsus) has put in place best practices to mitigate the risk of attendees contracting COVID-19, including a requirement that all attendees wear masks, the provision of hand sanitizer, and reminders that attendees should maintain distance from each other. By signing below, you agree to abide by these best practices by wearing a mask at all times when on the premises, washing your hands frequently, and maintaining social distance from other attendees when practicable.

Even with these safety measures in place, however, PAINWeek cannot prevent you from becoming exposed to, contracting, or spreading COVID-19 while attending its conferences and/or entering onto premises where the event is held, as it is not possible to prevent against the presence of the virus. Therefore, if you choose to attend the PAINWeek 2021 National Conference and enter onto premises where the conference is held, you may be exposing yourself to and/or increasing your risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19.

ASSUMPTION OF RISK: I have read and understood the above warning concerning COVID-19. I hereby choose to accept the risk of contracting COVID-19 in order to attend the PAINWeek 2021 National Conference and enter the conference premises. I acknowledge that attendance at the conference is entirely voluntary, and that I have freely chosen to attend.

WAIVER OF LAWSUIT/LIABILITY: I hereby forever release and waive my right to bring a suit against Tarsus Cardio, Inc. and Tarsus and its owners, officers, directors, managers, officials, trustees, agents, employees, or other representatives for fault in connection with exposure, infection, and/or spread of COVID-19 related to attending its event. I understand that this waiver means I give up my right to bring any claim based in negligence, including for personal injuries, death, disease or property losses, or any other loss, whether known or unknown, foreseen, or unforeseen. 

CHOICE OF LAW: I understand and agree that the law of the State of Nevada will apply to this contract.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations must be submitted in writing. For verification, if you are calling to cancel, we will still require you to send an email to [email protected] with your intent to cancel. You will receive confirmation of your cancellation via email. Cancellations received:

  • Within 24 hours of registration are fully refundable
  • More than 60 days prior to the conference are refundable minus $100 administrative fee
  • 60 days or fewer before the PAINWeek National Conference are nonrefundable


Persons who register and fail to attend will not receive a refund. PAINWeek, at its sole discretion, may transfer your registration to an upcoming conference or to a healthcare provider colleague. Cancellation of your conference registration does not automatically cancel your hotel room reservation. Please contact the hotel to cancel your room; penalties may apply.


Checks should be made payable to PAINWeek, 1801 North Military Trail, Suite 200, Boca Raton, FL 33431. Please include the name of all registrant(s) on the check. Checks must be received within 30 days of registration to qualify for conference rate at time of registration. PAINWeek reserves the right to cancel a registration or increase registration fee (per the published fee structure) if payment is not received within 30 days.

Guest Policy

In order to maintain the clinical nature of the conference, nonclinicians—including, but not limited to, office managers, billing specialists, receptionists, and administrative staff; guests, spouses, friends, and/or family members—may not attend PAINWeek.

Prohibited Activities

  • Sales of goods or services, or the display of goods or services, unless by a confirmed PAINWeek exhibitor
  • Distribution of printed or recorded materials of any kind unless prior approval has been obtained
  • Engaging in any unsafe act that may impede the operations of PAINWeek or any part thereof
  • Unauthorized access or entry into any back of house areas, service areas, or areas designated as conference or venue staff only
  • Unauthorized events, speeches, or use of any flag, banner, sign, or other materials for commercial purposes, or as part of a demonstration
  • Photography, videotaping, or recording of any kind, or otherwise engaging in any activity for unapproved commercial or journalistic purposes without prior approval
  • Unauthorized solicitations of any kind, whether commercial, religious, educational, or otherwise, or conducting any unauthorized commercial activities, including solicitations of money or other contributions or donations
  • Obstructing entrances, doors, vestibules, stairways, corridors, halls, etc.

Prohibited Items

  • Firearms, ammunition, knives, and weapons of any kind
  • Self-defense or restraining devices (eg, pepper spray, mace, tasers)
  • Marijuana or any other illegal substances
  • Objects or toys that appear to be firearms or weapons
  • Fireworks or other similarly explosive and/or flammable objects and smoke machines
  • Folding chairs or stools
  • Horns, whistles, megaphones, or artificial noise makers
  • Recreational devices such as drones, remote-controlled toys, skateboards, scooters, inline skates, or shoes with built-in wheels
  • Selfie sticks, hand-held extension poles for cameras or mobile devices, flags, and banners
  • Tripods or monopod stands


We reserve the right to prohibit the use or storage of any other item not listed above that we determine may be harmful or disruptive, in our sole and absolute discretion.

Attendee Courtesy and Attire Policies

  • Following Covid-19 regulations, masks will be required.
  • Proper attire, including shoes and shirts, must be worn at all times. We reserve the right to deny admission to or remove any person wearing attire that we consider inappropriate or attire that could distract from the experience of other attendees.
  • Please show common courtesy to fellow attendees, conference staff, and venue staff by not using profanity or engaging in unsafe, illegal, disruptive, or offensive behavior, jumping lines, or saving places in lines for others.

Exhibit Hall

  • Registered attendees are encouraged to visit the Exhibit Hall during posted general attendee open hours. If you are a registered attendee, and your company is exhibiting, and you also have an exhibit-only designation on your badge, you are allowed in the Exhibit Hall during closed hours.
  • The PAINWeek Exhibit Hall is not open to the general public. PAINWeek does not offer an Exhibit Hall-only badge. If you would like to enter the Exhibit Hall you must purchase a full access registration.


  • All winners must be physically present to win.
  • For raffle prizes, the winning number will be announced 3 times. You must physically claim your prize by the third announcement. No prize will be provided to you once the new number is called out.
  • One prize per person for the duration of the conference.

ADA Compliancy

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, PAINWeek supports the equity and inclusion of individuals with disabilities for whom reasonable accommodations will be provided.

“Reasonable accommodations” may include: assistive listening devices, alternative formats, sign language interpreters, or seats closer to the front of a course room. Disability accommodations at a given event require a minimum of three weeks’ prior notice by emailing [email protected].

Animal Policies

  • “Service animal” means a dog or miniature horse that is trained to do work or perform tasks for, and to assist, an individual with a disability. All other animals, including emotional support, comfort, or companion animals, are not considered service animals.
  • Service animals should remain on a leash or in a harness and under the control of the owner at all times.
  • While the venue is pet friendly, please refrain from bringing your pet into the conference meeting spaces.

Photo and Video Policy

Audio recording, video recording, or photography is allowed for personal use, but not during the CME/CE scientific sessions or sponsored programs. No webcasting or live streaming is permitted.

Audio recording, video recording, photography, webcasting, or live streaming for commercial or journalistic use is strictly prohibited at all conference activities. Commercial entities including exhibitors intending on doing any of the above must request written permission in advance of a conference from both PAINWeek and the venue.

PAINWeek staff and/or authorized contractors will be taking photographs and video material at PAINWeek events and will reproduce them in educational, news, or promotional material, whether in print, electronic, or other media, including websites. By participating at PAINWeek events, you automatically grant PAINWeek the right to use your name, photograph, and biography for such purposes. All postings become the property of PAINWeek. Postings may be displayed, distributed, or used by PAINWeek for any purpose.

Furthermore, you acknowledge the right of PAINWeek to crop, splice, treat, and edit any photographs taken of you at the sole discretion of PAINWeek. You waive your right to inspect or approve the finished product, now and in the future, whether that use is known or unknown to you.

You agree to release, defend, and hold harmless PAINWeek and its agents or employees, including any firm publishing and/or distributing the finished product in whole or in part, from and against any claims, damages, or liability arising from or related to the use of the photographs, including but not limited to any misuse, distortion, blurring, alteration, optical illusion, or in the taking, processing, reduction, or production of the finished product, its publication, or distribution.

Company Rights

  • We reserve the right to deny admission, prevent entry, or require a person already admitted to leave PAINWeek without refund, liability, or compensation, for failure to comply with any of these rules, for unsafe, illegal, or offensive behavior, to ensure safety, security, or order, if we consider that the circumstances otherwise so require, in our sole and absolute discretion.
  • We may from time to time, in our sole and absolute discretion, without prior notice and without refund, liability, or compensation, change the course hours, cancel a course, restrict the number of persons having access to a room, and/or suspend or cancel any program if we consider that the circumstances so require.
  • We are not responsible for loss or damage of belongings or property, consistent with applicable law.


By registering for and attending PAINWeek, you hereby agree that you accept the terms stated above and indemnify and hold harmless PAINWeek, its affiliates, and their respective directors, employees, and agents (including, without limitation, any agent acting on its behalf) from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs, or debt, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) resulting from attendance at a PAINWeek event.

FAQ - General

Frequently asked questions answered.

Who attends PAINWeek?

PAINWeek attendees come from all medical specialties—including, but not limited to, anesthesiology, neurology, primary care, psychiatry, and physical medicine & rehabilitation.

Our frontline clinicians are physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, hospitalists, psychologists, and other healthcare professionals. According to our post-conference surveys, one of the significant benefits of participation is the opportunity to interact with colleagues of varying backgrounds and perspectives.

Click here to view our most recent demographic information to better understand the numerous types of practitioners who attend this national conference.

Why should I attend PAINWeek?

As the pain management landscape continues to evolve, treatment considerations have advanced beyond medication management to include interventional, integrative, and behavioral approaches to achieve optimal patient outcomes. To meet this growing need, PAINWeek presents a multidisciplinary agenda of 120 hours of special interest sessions, master classes, and course concentrations across the 5-day conference.

Remember—there are only 4,000 pain specialists in active practice nationwide! The burden of care for patients with pain falls to the frontline clinician, who must be prepared to assess, diagnose, and manage acute and chronic pain conditions.

Where is the conference?

All conference activities including sessions and exhibits take place at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.


Our main priority for live events is the safety and well-being of our staff and conference attendees. We will abide by the following CDC recommendations: “Although many states are lifting mask mandates, the CDC has continued to stress the importance of wearing face coverings in public. New research from the organization links state-issued mask mandates to reduced transmission. In addition, another recent study showed that well-fitted masks can decrease exposure rates by about 95 percent." All PAINWeekEnd staff and attendees must wear masks during this event. The only exception will be during meal programs.

Updated 4/9/21 11:30am ET
PAINWeek Administration

FAQ - Registration

What is the registration fee for PAINWeek?

Below are fees for practicing healthcare professionals, residents, or students. This information will be verified by PAINWeek staff prior to confirmation of your registration.

Optional workshops for PAINWeek will have additional costs and may be added during registration. Those who registered before workshops were added will be emailed and have early bird priority registration access.

Discount Expiration Dates and Practicing Clinical Professionals’ Price Points
Before 9/1/21 - $699
PAINWeek Full Registration - $799

Industry/Nonclinical Professionals

What is included in the conference registration?

Conference registration includes access to the keynote presentation, general sessions, sponsored programs, Exhibit Hall, networking reception, and raffle drawings.

How do I register for PAINWeek?

Click here to register.

What is your cancellation policy?

Please see our Policies page for details on how to cancel your registration.

What is the hotel's guest policy?

To maintain the educational and professional environment of the conference, guests and children are not permitted at the conference. Nevada law prohibits children in the casino area except for passing through. For childcare services please contact The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

Please see our Policies for more information.

Do you offer registration that allows me to only visit the Exhibit Hall?

No. You must purchase a full registration to access the Exhibit Hall.

Do you offer a daily registration, ie, one-day pass?

No. If you would like to attend PAINWeek for specific day(s) you must still purchase a full registration.

Does PAINWeek have a mobile app?

Yes! You will be able to download the mobile app from the iTunes store or Google Play prior to PAINWeek 2021. No smart phone? No problem. You can get the mobile experience from a desktop by typing in m.painweek.org into any browser.

FAQ - Hotel

I would like to book my stay at The Cosmopolitan. When does the PAINWeek block rate open?

The PAINWeek block rate at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas ($179/night + tax and a mandatory resort fee of $10/day + tax) is available ONLY after registering for the PAINWeek conference. To receive this discounted rate, we recommend you book your room early and no later than August 16, 2021. Upon registering, you will receive a link to book your hotel room. There will also be a phone number and group code if you prefer to call the hotel to book your room. Registrations made before the room block opens will receive a separate email with instructions on how to book a room with the PAINWeek block rate.

Can I extend my stay at the hotel, either before or after the conference?

We can offer you the same conference rate of $179/night + tax and a mandatory resort fee of $10/day + tax, starting September 2 and ending September 13.

What if I’m not comfortable with walking through a casino?

You can access the meeting spaces and dining options (even the gym and spa) directly from your room, without going through the casino. Please request a sleeping room in the Chelsea Tower when making reservations if you do not wish to walk through the casino.

Can I modify my room reservation after registering for PAINWeek?

Yes, you can reach out to the hotel at any time after booking to change your reservation. PAINWeek staff will not be able to change or cancel your room reservation.

What’s included in the hotel resort fee?

The resort fee is a bundled service package that includes:

  • Unlimited local, toll-free, and domestic long-distance phone calls
  • Complimentary valet parking
  • Fitness center access
  • Tennis court access

The Cosmopolitan is sold out on my requested dates. Does PAINWeek have room blocks at other hotels?

Because of the increasing popularity of the PAINWeek conference, attendees and exhibitors have the meeting details in their calendars years in advance and start reserving as soon as possible. PAINWeek strives to ensure that attendees have access to our discount room block, which is why we provide constant reminders to registrants to reserve early. PAINWeek has not contracted for discount room blocks other than at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas. Nearby properties include Aria, Planet Hollywood, Bellagio, and Jockey Club. Please contact these properties directly for availability and rates.

Why is there a charge of $202.95 from The Cosmopolitan on my credit card?

The Cosmopolitan charges a deposit amount equal to one night’s stay and tax to your credit card to secure the room reservation. The PAINWeek discount housing rate for standard rooms is $179, plus 13.38% Nevada lodging tax, totaling $202.95.

Can I book my hotel room through a third-party vendor?

PAINWeek has contracted with The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas to provide attendees with the lowest possible housing rates. Savings start at over $100 per night when booking with PAINWeek. Also, when attendees and exhibitors make reservations using third parties or even directly with The Cosmopolitan they may be exposing us to penalties for not fulfilling our room block commitments. This could translate to higher rates in the future and fewer rooms available to our attendees.

Also, when booking on third-party sites you may be responsible for paying hidden fees, booking fees, and the hotel’s resort fee. When booking directly with PAINWeek, the resort fee is discounted and optional.

Please be vigilant if approached by any other company or service that implies or claims to be an official housing provider of PAINWeek. We have been made aware of other housing companies and travel agencies that may be aggressively pursuing you, or your company, to book guest rooms through their company at supposedly significant discounts. Reservations made through an agency other than The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas will be at your own risk. All official emails will originate from [email protected].

FAQ - Travel

I’d like to book my travel. When should I plan to arrive and depart?

PAINWeek CME sessions start at 7a on Tuesday and go through 3:30p on Saturday. On Monday at 6p we invite first time participants to PAINWeek 101, an informal gathering to answer all your PAINWeek questions. The conference registration desk opens on Monday at 3p for those wanting to beat the Tuesday rush.

What is the best way to get from the airport to The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas?

The most efficient way to get from Las Vegas McCarran International Airport is via a 15-minute taxi/app-based ride that will cost approximately $20, not including gratuity. The Cosmopolitan is 3 miles from the airport.

Does PAINWeek provide shuttle service to The Cosmopolitan?

No. PAINWeek does not provide shuttle service to/from the airport or hotel. A variety of shuttle/limousine services are available along with app-based ride shares, such as Uber and Lyft.

How far will I have to walk from my hotel room to the conference?

PAINWeek specifically chose The Cosmopolitan because, unlike other mega-resorts or convention centers, it allows attendees to take elevators directly from their sleeping rooms to the conference floors without walking through the casino area. Please request Chelsea Tower when making reservations.


How will I claim/receive my CE/CME credit?

To receive credit, you must complete the online conference evaluation form and the request for credit form. You will receive an email from PAINWeek shortly after the conference ends with instructions.

Courses must be attended in their entirety in order to receive credit for those 1.0 or 2.0 credit hour sessions.

Hint: Keep notes and key thoughts about each session and faculty speaker so you can refer to them later.

How will I—a pharmacy learner—claim/receive my CE/CME credit?

Special procedures apply to pharmacy learners to request and receive credit.

Courses must be attended in their entirety in order to receive credit for those 1.0 or 2.0 credit hour sessions.

In order to receive credit, pharmacist participants must attend an entire course and complete the online credit application and evaluation form. An NABP number and date of birth will be required to complete these forms and earn credit. Please bring this information with you to the conference for use while completing your evaluations.

If you still need to create an NABP e-Profile and obtain an ID number, please visit nabp.net/.

Notification of successful completion of courses will be communicated by Global Education Group to the ACPE CPE Monitor system, where all pharmacy learners’ credits are stored. Learner errors providing NABP numbers and/or DOB will result in unsuccessful reporting of credits to the CPE Monitor system. These credits will not be recorded. Ensuring records are accurate and complete will be the responsibility of the individual learner.

For more information regarding CPE Monitor and issuance of ACPE credit, please click here.

Do I receive CE/CME credits for attending a PDM program?

No, you will not receive CE/CME credit for attending a noncertified PDM program. You may still be requested to complete an evaluation form, but you will not receive a credit certificate. If you are unsure whether a session is certified for credit, please refer to the program book, which you will receive at PAINWeek, or ask a staff member. There will be prominent signage on site indicating sessions not certified for credit.

Can nurse practitioners earn pharmacology contact hours at PAINWeek?

Yes, PAINWeek is approved for pharmacology credit. Please refer to the m.painweek.org. After each session name, you will see “AANP Rx Hours” and the number of contact hours it has been approved for, if any.

FAQ - Conference

What should I bring to the conference?

  • A sweater or light jacket (air-conditioned rooms may be chilly)
  • Notepad(s) and your favorite pen(s)
  • Business cards—to network!
  • A printout of your conference and hotel reservations (just in case)
  • A few printed copies of your CV or resume (who knows who you might meet)
  • A list of sessions you want to attend (or favorite them in the app)

Should I bring my laptop?

Sponsored complimentary WiFi will be provided in the event meeting space for your convenience. Complimentary WiFi is also available in all Cosmopolitan sleeping rooms. Remember to have your devices fully charged as there are limited electrical outlets available.

What is the attire at PAINWeek?

We recommend business casual for most PAINWeek activities. We also suggest bringing a light coat or sweater because conference rooms may be cold.

Click here for more information.

Will I receive printed copies of the slide presentations?

Our aim is to be as green as possible, so we do not provide attendees with printed copies of the slide presentations. Attendees may access PDF versions of slide presentations via the mobile app.

  1. Select the day
  2. Select the course
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the course listing under Documents
  4. Click on the PDF icon

How do I download the PAINWeek mobile app?

Everything you need to know about PAINWeek is on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop:

  • Get maps of the conference venue
  • Stay up-to-date on PAINWeek announcements
  • Access the conference schedule
  • Link to session slides
  • View course credit procedures
  • View and plan a visit to the Exhibit Hall
  • Complete session evaluations


3 easy ways to access PAINWeek mobile:

  • Download from the App Store (coming soon)
  • Download from Google Play (coming soon)
  • Visit m.painweek.org (no download required)


Note: If you have downloaded the app from earlier years, please delete it and download the newest version.

Are the lectures/courses available for purchase?

PAINWeek OnDemand is an online library with over 120 hours of sessions for PAINWeek that you can watch anytime, anywhere. It’s great for people who can’t attend the meeting, or for attendees who can’t fit every desired session into their schedule.

More information will be available soon.

Where do I check in for the conference?

After checking into the hotel at the front desk, please proceed to the Belmont Registration Desk on Level 4 to check into the meeting and obtain your name badge. Registration desk hours are:

Monday: 3:00p - 7:00p
Tuesday: 6:30a - 6:30p
Wednesday: 6:30a - 6:30p
Thursday: 6:30a - 6:30p
Friday: 7:00a - 5:00p
Saturday: 8:00a - 12:00p

Am I required to wear my badge?

Yes. We ask you to wear your badge at all times in order to move freely around the event space. Please understand that room monitors will not allow entry without your badge. Lost/misplaced badges are charged a fee of $100 and may be reprinted at the conference registration desk with valid photo ID.

How do I provide feedback?

Please use our mobile app, available on the app store for your device, or you can use the mobile site at m.painweek.org to complete evaluations on each course. Once in the mobile app, click Agenda, navigate to the course in question, and scroll to the bottom. There you'll have the opportunity to provide feedback specific to that course and its speaker(s). Your feedback is critical to planning future meetings, so we appreciate you completing an evaluation for each course you attend. Please be sure to click Submit for each individual question after indicating the number of stars.

How do I get overall information about the conference?

At registration, you will receive a red program book that contains accreditation information and a listing of all sponsored and nonsponsored events. In addition to the certified activities, the red program book includes noncertified activities like PDM programs (Product Theatre, Disease Awareness, and Medical Information), the keynote address, exhibit information, and other activities. For your convenience, there's also an Agenda-at-a-Glance.

What special events should I be aware of?

Keynote Address and Awards
Wednesday 5:45p - 6:45p
Level 4/Mont-Royal Ballroom
The Keynote address is CERTIFIED FOR CREDIT

Welcome Reception
Wednesday 6:45p - 9:00p
Level 4/Exhibit Hall, Belmont Ballroom

Scientific Poster Reception
Thursday 6:30p - 8:30p
Level 2/Condesa Commons

Closing Reception
Friday 2:30p - 4:30p
Level 4/Exhibit Hall

Can I pop in and out of CME sessions?

You can choose to attend any session/lecture; you do not have to stay in one session the entire time. As an example, if you are interested in attending a stem cell lecture at 1:00p, but want to leave 10 minutes later to listen to a nutrition lecture, you may do so. However, you may claim credit for only one session during any given time slot

How do I share my PAINWeek experience online?

Follow us on social media and use the hashtag #painweek to share your experience at the conference.

Twitter: @PAINWeek
Facebook: @PAINWeek
Instagram: @PAINWeek
LinkedIn: @PAINWeek

Future PAINWeek Dates

We know many of you need to plan far in advance to attend conferences. Here are the dates for future PAINWeek national conferences.

2022 Dates


September 6-10, Las Vegas, NV

2023 Dates


September 5-9, Las Vegas, NV

2024 Dates


September 10-14, Las Vegas, NV

Program Guide Archive

View previous program guides.

2019 Program Guide

Click here to view the PAINWeek 2019 Program Guide.

2018 Program Guide

Click here to view the PAINWeek 2018 Program Guide.

2017 Program Guide

Click here to view the PAINWeek 2017 Program Guide.

2016 Program Guide

Click here to view the PAINWeek 2016 Program Guide.

Conference Archive

More information on past PAINWeek conferences

PAINWeek 2019

Click here to view information from PAINWeek 2019.

PAINWeek Live Virtual 2020

Click here to view information from PAINWeek Live Virtual 2020.