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A questionnaire answered by over 1600 cluster headache sufferers (who met the International Classification of Headache Disorders criteria) provided researchers with interesting information. The results, published in Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain, revealed that:

  • Even though pediatric...

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Imagine a headache more painful than childbirth or kidney stones, that can last for hours at a time, for days at a time, for up to 3 months, that causes sufferers to commit suicide 3x more than the average rate. That is the cluster headache. Over 300,000 Americans endure cluster headaches. While...

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A headache is just a symptom—head pain—and we make the distinction in the headache world between what we call primary headache disorders and secondary headache disorders. A secondary headache disorder is when there is something that’s causing that headache. The most common thing people think about...

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