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Practitioners routinely wrestle with the issue of medication aberrant behavior (MAB)--What should I do about this? Should I discharge the patient? Will I get in trouble if I don't discharge this patient? Often there is no one right answer, and practitioners struggle with what to do in the face of a...

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This session will teach participants the 5 core pain coping skills that all pain patients need: understanding, believing, calming, balancing, and coping. By knowing these skills providers will have a better idea of how they can plan treatment and intervene with patients more effectively...

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Pain science education has gained international praise as an underutilized clinical intervention for treating pain. Research supports teaching patients about pain using a neurophysiology framework, rather than explaining pain in biomedical or biomechanical terms. To "explain pain, not anatomy" is...

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The Pain Educators Forum presents this course because there are so many different levels of practitioner experience with pain management. Specifically, inspiration came from someone who, after attending one of our courses, had a burning question for our faculty: "What do sodium channels have to do...

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In clinical practice today, more often than not patients receive care from an interprofessional team. How can we best prepare students and practitioners to optimize working in an interprofessional environment? This presentation will review the definition of interprofessional education, what is meant...

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Diagnostic testing is an integral component for the differential diagnosis. In routine clinical practice there has been a tendency for clinical examinations to become more cursory, largely influenced by increasing demands of time and patient expectations of technological advances. The end result may...

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