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Diagnostic testing is an integral component for the differential diagnosis. In routine clinical practice there has been a tendency for clinical examinations to become more cursory, largely influenced by increasing demands of time and patient expectations of technological advances. The end result may...

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Pain is the number one reason why patients seek advice from their pharmacist or primary care provider. Patients very often seek to use a nonprescription analgesic to self-treat a painful complaint, yet often do not understand the exclusions to selftreatment or how to select the best analgesic...

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Refreshments will be served.

Sponsored by kaléo.

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During this course, we will go over the clinical symptomatology of migraine in a number of its various forms, as well as the pathophysiology of migraine. Also examined will be the acute as well as prophylactic treatment of migraine using evidence based criteria.

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Lunch will be served.

Sponsored by SCILEX.

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In order to successfully clinically manage pain, it is essential to begin with an understanding of the underlying mechanisms responsible for its generation. A skillful approach based upon better knowledge concerning the anatomical structures, pathways, and events that result in pain is more likely...

Subscribe to Charlotte, NC - Saturday 4/27/19
