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In the journal of Scientific Reports, researchers detail their first-time study investigating depression and factors impacting it in patients with painful temporomandibular disorders (TMD) during the COVID pandemic. It is well known that stress triggers or makes TMD more painful, therefore it’s not...

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A review and analysis published in the journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence examined those with opioid use disorder (OUD) and mental disorders, via databases such as Embase and MEDLINE. Over 345 studies and more than 104,000 people with OUD were researched. Percentages of disorders among those...

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The Journal of Pain Research reports that not only the patients in the ICU are in pain. A cross-sectional study of 356 people—including nurses, doctors, and other workers—in a tertiary hospital in China showed high percentages of people in pain:

  • ICU nurses: 72%
  • ICU doctors: 64%
  • ICU workers...

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Pain often brings about anxiety and depression, which in turn can worsen the pain. The Journal of Neuroscience has published a paper entitled GABAergic CaMKIIα+ Amygdala Output Attenuates Pain and Modulates Emotional-motivational Behaviour via Parabrachial Inhibition. In their Significance Statement...

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Severe mental illness (SMI) is associated with an earlier death by 15 to 20 years, poor physical health, diabetes, HIV, and a higher burden of pain. A study published in PAIN sought to uncover innovations for the optimization of pain management in this group—defined as schizophrenia spectrum...

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The journal Spinal Cord has published an article titled “Psychological morbidity following spinal cord injury and among those without spinal cord injury: the impact of chronic centralized and neuropathic pain.” Researchers compared psychological morbidities—such as mood disorders, sleep problems...

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The chronic inflammatory pain condition primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) causes dry mouth and eyes, pain and fatigue, and depression and anxiety. A study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine reports on the health related quality of life (HRQoL) cost for people in the United Kingdom with pSS...

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Postsurgery, who needs which kind of pain management medication? A study published in The Annals of Thoracic Surgery looks at opioid-naïve patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting and/or valve surgery. Of more than 1900 patients, 28% were discharged without a prescription for opioids...

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In a study published in the journal Environment International, researchers analyzed the impact of green space on premenstrual symptoms (PMS). Around one-fifth of women experience clinically relevant symptoms both physical and psychological. The study probed the effect of living in an area with green...

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Worldwide, every year there are ~800,000 deaths by suicide, with nonfatal attempts occurring over 20 times for every death. What is the underlying biology of suicide attempts? In the largest study of potential genetic components of suicide, a region of the genome on chromosome 7 containing DNA...

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