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Researchers at Michigan Medicine, University of Michigan, in cooperation with the American Diabetes Association (ADA) have developed updated recommendations for primary care on the classification, prevention, and management of diabetic neuropathy. The new position statement updates previous guidance from the ADA released in 2005. Lead author Rodica Pop-Busui, MD, PhD, summarized, “Our goal was to update the document so that it not only had the most up-to-date evidence, but also was easy to understand and relevant for primary care physicians. We wanted it to be accessible to whoever takes care of diabetes patients, not just specialists.” The statement notes that overall prevention of diabetic neuropathy is central to diabetes care, due to the lack of effective treatments to reverse resultant nerve damage.

Since many patients with diabetic neuropathy present to clinicians because of chronic pain, the statement additionally incorporates specific recommendations for pain management. Dr. Pop-Busui commented, “Treatment of neuropathy pain is specifically relevant because, unfortunately, there has been much overprescribing of narcotics for neuropathic pain. We now provide clear evidence to fellow physicians that other agents are available and are more effective in treating diabetic neuropathy.”

Read a news story about the guidance, with link to the new position statement, here.

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